Content Management
for your Codebase
A new tool that makes Markdown, JSON and YAML content in your codebase editable by humans. Live edit content on GitHub or your local file system, without disrupting your existing code and workflows.

- First-class CMS experience
- TypeScript API
- Markdown & YAML/JSON based
- No database
Two-way editing, effortlessly
Create a new Next.js or Astro project in seconds with the Keystatic CLI:
Want to learn more?
Those sections from the Keystatic docs are good places to start digging:
Getting started options
Read about the various options to get started with Keystatic
Framework guides
Add Keystatic to an existing Astro or Next.js project
Connect to GitHub
Learn more about connecting Keystatic to GitHub
Organised content
Teach Keystatic how to find and organise the content in your codebase
Content structures
Setup Collections and Singletons to edit your content
Reader API
Retrieve data from your project directory with the Reader API
Get Keystatic updates
Be the first to get updates as we work on and ship new features, as well as early invites to a community space we're setting up soon.
Tell us what you think
We're building Keystatic in the open as part of Thinkmill Labs Research & Development. Feedback on how we're going, what you're looking for, and what you'd like to see next is super helpful as we progress!